Jon Duerr on 5/30 reported via e-mail: The Bell's Vireo (2) are back but no Chats nor Orchards. Had a great look at a Mourning W. (not that other one) on bike trail crossing Ke-De-Ka Road between Bliss FP and Waubonsee. No other warblers except the yellow. Bob Andrini on 5/27 reported via e-mail: On Peck Road between Campton Hills Rd on the north and Rt. 38 on the south, there is a fuddle (puddle in a field) - on the west side of the road. In that fuddle there are: Semipalmated Plovers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Killdeer, Blue-winged Teal, and Dunlin. If you still need some sandpipers for this year, it may be worth a stop.
Eric Secker on 5/27 reported via IBET: This afternoon
we checked a couple spots in Kane County and NW DuPage.
At the Kaneland Fluddle on Keslinger Rd. near the high school and
intersection with Dauberman Rd. (west of Rt. 47): Jon Duerr on 5/26 reported via IBET: I was very pleased to find a full compliment of grassland bird species on the prairie recreations here. I counted 10+ Dickcissels, Grasshopper, Savannah, Vesper, Song and Henslow Sparrows, 12+ Bobolinks, E Meadowlarks, Sedge Wrens, C.Yellowthroats and Red-wings. Only heard 4 Henslows. I am pleased to find this response since these fields were corn crops just 8 years ago. This area is the west side of preserve. Walk around the lake and when crossing the bridge, continue north through the grass along a utility road. Dick Young FP west of Batavia on Nelson Lake Rd. Scott Cohrs on 5/24 reported via IBET: Mike Madsen and
I spent most of the day Tuesday trying to amass a large Kane County list and get
him a few new county birds. In the end, the birding turned out to be
rather lackluster. But there were a few highlights that I'll list below: Anthony Friend on 5/22 reported via IBET: The MCGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER at Hampshire FP in NW Kane Co. made two brief appearances, one for Ann Haverstock, and one for myself, at around 1:45 pm this afternoon. It was seen low on either side of the grassy path that runs to the east of the junction mentioned in previous posts. Joan Bruchman on 5/22 reported via IBET: Thanks to Scott Cohrs I have added another bird to my IL list. I arrived at Hampshire FP at about 9:15am and went right to where Scott discribed seeing the bird. I was there for only about 5 min. when I heard the loud "chink" of the birds chip call. Out it popped and landed in a pine tree on a low dead branch. This gave me a great, although short, look to study the field marks. No doubt this is a MacGILLIVRAY'S. The bold broken eye-arcs and black lores on the gray hooded head were very visable. Thanks again Scott! Julie Long on 5/21 reported via e-mail: There was a mourning warbler still at my house tonight at 7:30 PM. There had been 2 in the morning. He was in the neighbors hedge across from my mailbox. He sounds somewhat like a thrush. I live at 4N179 Thornly Rd., St. Charles if anyone wants to check it out. Scott Cohrs on 5/21 reported via IBET:
definitely seemed to be a small movement of birds today in NW Kane County.
By far the bird of the day was a MacGillivray's Warbler
that I found at Hampshire Forest Preserve. I found the bird in some low
shrubs just north of the horse trailer parking at the spot where 2 paths
intersect in a T. If you take the main drive into the park, follow the
drive to the back parking lot. The spot is just north of where the road
makes a sharp left.
Huntley Outlet Mall 9.30am til 12.00pm and again at 3.00 till 3.45pm: Swainson's Hawk - no show!, Bald Eagle - 1 imm, Broad-winged Hawk - 2, Red-tailed Hawk - 6+, Coopers Hawk - 3. Rutland Forest Preserve, Huntley 1.00pm til 3.00pm: Canada Warbler - 3+, Bay-breasted Warbler - 5+, Black & White Warbler - 4, Tennessee Warbler - 4, Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Chestnut-sided Warbler - 5+, Magnolia Warbler - 15, Blackburnian Warbler - 4, Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1, BT Green Warbler - 6, American Redstart - 15+, Ovenbird - 1, Northern Waterthrush - 1, Wilson's Warbler - 2, Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 5, Gray-cheeked Thrush - 10+, Swainson's Thrush - 10+, Veery - 2, Wood Thrush -1, Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1, Red-headed Woodpecker - 2, Philadephia Vireo - 2, Blue-headed Vireo - 5+, Red-eyed Vireo - 10+. Karen Land on 5/18 reported via IBET: I have been seeing "dark spots" darting through my yard (just west of the Fox River in Batavia) all morning and with the sun going in and out of the clouds, it's been hard to really see what they were. They returned a short time ago when the sun was bright and I was able to ID one male Indigo bunting, not sure what the other three are because they stayed back in the darkness of the bushes. Oddly enough, I checked back in to my records and noted I had a male and female at my water dish last year on May 13 and the year before on May 22. Jon Duerr on 5/17 reported via e-mail:
Wilson Phalaropes can still be found at Kaneland
Julie Long on 5/16 reported via e-mail: Jon, Joy, and I had 2 black terns about 4 PM, May 16, on the Fox River at Seba park. A half hour earlier I had 7 white terns at the prairie St. bridge. I am leaning toward them being forsters but did not get a positive id. I had one white one early in the day at Ferson Creek Fen, but did not get to id it either. Scott on 5/15 reported via e-mail: There was a Black Tern at Pillsbury all day. As I was coming home around 6, it was perched on a dead willow about 15 feet off shore. Cool bird. Bob Andrini on 5/15 reported via e-mail:
There are 4,
2 pair. W(ilson's) Phalaropes at Kaneland HS
detention pond at 11:45 Sunday. Best viewing from Klessinger/Dauberman
Bob Andrini on 5/10 reported via e-mail: Had a chance to briefly walk at Norris this morning. Still not too much variety, but there were a few warblers. Chestnut-sided were numerous, and I had a nice look at an Orange-crowned in the hedge at the bottom of the hill. There were also two Yellow-throated Vireo. Best birds were the 2 Prothonotary Warblers. One could be heard singing from across the river at the mouth of Ferson Creek. The other bird was further north along the trail at Norris. These birds are the 6th and 7th Prothonotary I have seen thus far this spring, and I haven't really gotten out much. I only had one last year. I am not sure what happened last year, but they seem to be more numerous again this year. Julie Long on 5/07 reported via e-mail: There are some assorted shorebirds in the newly made large pond being developed for the new subdivision on Pouley Rd, south of Keslinger. I had both yellowlegs, spotted, solitary, semipalm. plover, dunlins, peeps, etc. today. On 5/03 the Andrini informal weekday ramble (sans Andrinis) had a Prothonotary Warbler, Spotted Sandpiper, Green Heron, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Baltimore Oriole as notable sightings at Lippold Park (Route 25 south of Batavia). The warbler was seen flitting about on an island slightly north of the north end of the parking lot. The heron was also on the island. The sandpiper was working the shore of both the island and the park. The grosbeak and oriole were observed along the bikepath. Arlene Koziol on 5/03 reported via IBET:
Tues., Bob Andrini on 5/02 reported via e-mail: It seems that the Chimney Swifts arrived last Wed. on the Fox River; the Cliff Swallows are under the Prairie St. bridge in St. Charles; and we saw a Mockingbird at the old archery range on Rt. 25 on Tuesday - hope you are finding the birds also. Jack Pomatto on 5/02 reported via e-mail: A molting Summer Tanager was seen 5/2/06 at 9:00 A.M. at Jon Duerr F.P. ( Blackhawk F.P. south of South Elgin). The bird's forward half was red and the rear half was yellow green. The bird was in the area of the parking lot near the end of the trolley line station, it flew to trees over by the Fox River when last seen. Large numbers of Baltimore Orioles were also present. Jack Pomatto on 5/02 reported via e-mail: An adult Peregrine Falcon flew over the East side of Dick Young F.P. at 2:30 P.M. today, 5/2/06. I guess we have to watch the skies, the tree tops, and the wildflowers all at the same time right now.
Page last updated Thursday January 24, 2008.
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